The doorbell rings, and you’re expecting them, so you put on your best-winning smile and open the door. And there they stand looking slightly nervously uncomfortable, but still with bright, eager hope radiating from their faces – the prospective buyers of the home you’re trying to sell. Things go well for a bit, but then you mention one of the things sellers should never say in closing a home sale in Massachusetts.
The couple’s faces droop a little, and they cast anxious, sidelong glances at each other. And then, in your oblivious eagerness to make a sale, you say another of those things you shouldn’t. And then maybe another. In short, that nice couple is hustling back out your door, making thin promises to call you, and then striding briskly and determinedly toward their car. And then they’re gone – and so is the sale.
Don’t this happen to you!
4 Things Sellers Should Never Say When Closing a Home Sale in Massachusetts
1. Our house is in great/perfect/mint condition
Absolute statements, especially in the initial stages of transactional negotiations, are always usually best avoided. You may think your house is in perfect condition (or at least want the potential buyer to believe that), but this is a big foot-in-the-mouth statement. The reality is that no home is in perfect condition. Something always needs to be repaired, replaced, or improved.
Making strong claims about the condition of a home can backfire, as the buyer will likely make their own observations during an inspection. If the buyer discovers that the home is not in perfect condition, as initially claimed, it can seriously damage the trust between the parties.
In summary, absolute statements should be avoided in the initial stages of transactional negotiations. Instead, the seller should provide an honest and accurate description of the home, including any areas that need to be repaired, replaced, or improved. Doing so will help the buyer make an informed decision and can even help them negotiate a better price.
2. You are our second/tenth/thirtieth showing
Of all the things you could say to a potential buyer in closing a home sale in Massachusetts, this is the one most open to interpretation. The buyer will take it to mean whatever she wants it to mean.
If, say, you’ve had only a handful of showings, the buyer will likely interpret that to mean that the price is too high. If, on the other hand, you’ve had numerous showings, the buyer might take that to mean that something pretty major is wrong with the house. So you shouldn’t voluntarily offer any information about the number of showings (or any offers made).
As a seller, staying in control of the situation is important. Don’t offer any information about the number of showings or offers made, and make sure your house is properly presented to buyers. With the right mindset and preparation, you can maintain the upper hand and ensure that you get the best price for your house.
3. Sure, we can negotiate on price
Yes, being flexible and willing to negotiate is usually good and necessary. But you don’t want to give the impression at the very outset that you are ready to give way on what was thought to be a pretty firm price.
Besides, the price is only one ingredient in a good offer. Giving way on price right out of the gate may mean that you lose money in other areas as well. You also don’t want to give a buyer any false hopes – because that can certainly backfire later on.
The best policy is, to leave the showings and price negotiations to your agent. After all, that’s why you hired them, isn’t it? So here’s the best answer to buyers’ loaded questions about price: “You’ll need to speak to my real estate agent on that.”
By leaving the showings and price negotiations to your real estate agent, you can rest assured that you are getting the best possible deal. Your agent will be able to provide you with the knowledge and expertise you need to get the best price for your home. So, when buyers ask questions about the price of your home, the best answer is to refer them to your real estate agent.
4. I won’t take less than $xxx,xxx for home
And here’s the other side of that pricing-proposition coin. If you let it be known right up front that you are intransigent – that you are unwilling to be flexible and negotiate – well, then, you have pretty much made sure that there will be no sale.
Haggling and negotiating is just part of the process. It’s expected by most people and enjoyed by some. But with all possibilities of negotiating shut down at the very beginning, potential buyers will feel defeated and give up. And if word gets out that you’re inflexible on price, you may find that buyers are avoiding your home.
Being flexible and willing to negotiate is usually a good and necessary thing. However, it is important to remember to start from a strong position and maintain a positive attitude. Doing so will help you get the best deal for both parties involved.
Be careful to avoid these four things you should never say in closing a home sale in Massachusetts. But you also need to say the right things to close a sale, and that’s where your agent comes in.